É Turismo di Elena Trabucchi – Tourist Guide for Bologna and Emilia Romagna. .
The journey is never over. Only travellers come to an end. But even then they can prolong their voyage in their memories, in recollections, in stories. When the traveller sat in the sand and declared: “There’s nothing more to see,” he knew it wasn’t true. The end of one journey is simply the start of another. You have to go back to the footsteps already taken, to go over them again or add fresh ones alongside them. You have to start the journey anew. Always. The traveller sets out once more.
From Journey to Portugal – Jose Saramago
Some brief information about me
I was born in Bologna and grew up in this beautiful city.
Since I was a child I have enjoyed discovering the small villages and large cities of our country, fascinated by the stories that my dad told me, standing in front of palaces, frescoes and paintings, images that to my eyes seemed wonderful and surprising.
The beauty of all these things has remained within me, as well as a passion for this area. I, therefore, chose, to study this subject in depth and graduated with honors in Conservation of Cultural Heritage from the University of Bologna.
Following graduation, I started working with some important cultural groups and associations in Bologna, with the aim of highlighting the key cultural and artistic aspects of my town.
I wanted to turn this passion into a professional one and so I qualified as a tourist guide for Emilia Romagna.
Now our journey together can begin… to discover places that are familiar to me, and whose secrets and poetry I want to reveal to you.
Tours available in various languages.
I am qualified to offer guided tours in Italian and English.
SLOW Guided tours
Those who choose to visit a city, a place or an exhibition are looking for a fulfilling and relaxing experience, away from the daily frenzy that normally dictates our schedules and activities. We want to discover the history of the places and people who have made this country so interesting.
Together, we will work out a timetable to create a pleasant and relaxing tour. Too often, the typical guided tour does not allow you the time or space to savour the emotion of what we have seen and experienced, but simply leaves you feeling totally exhausted.
You can of course appreciate beauty by yourself, but it is one thing to look at places of beauty and another to truly ‘experience’ those places .. only those who know them can convey the emotion of the experience and the charm of a city or a country.
“è Turismo di Elena Trabucchi”
The magic of discovering and experiencing places.
Many visitors ask me about my logo – ‘Why Mary Poppins?. ’ Well, I was inspired by the image of Mary Poppins, the most famous nanny, because what I want to convey is that hint of magic, lightness and joy that the figure of Mary evokes.
Remember Mary Poppins’ bag? The suitcase is a symbol of a journey, but Mary’s suitcase offers something more… unexpectedly, almost by magic, objects endlessly appear from her bag. In the same way I know that Bologna presents its visitors with unexpected things, places, objects and stories that never end.
And then … looking at Mary Poppins’ talking umbrella also made me think of me of what we guides sometimes use as a symbol that all the group can recognize.
This is why it is Mary Poppins, who hovers gracefully in the logo in front of an ideal skyline that links some of the main monuments of Emilia Romagna.
Let the journey begin…
Reviews of those who travelled with me
Write to info@trabucchitourguide.com and tell me about your experience.

Lucia Maurizi
Ho il piacere di conoscere Elena da tempo. È una guida più che preparata, appassionata e puntuale. Bologna è da vedere con gli occhi di chi la sa interpretare, capire e conoscere. Una visita con lei è un piccolo viaggio attraverso il tempo.
Mauro Maffei
La competenza della dott.ssa Trabucchi è certificata dai titoli ed ancor meglio è l’entusiasmo: sconfinato e soprattutto contagioso. Secondo me, vive di pane e arte.
Mariangela Bortolucci
Con Elena ho fatto alcune visite guidate di Bologna, la mia città. Grazie a lei, ho visto luoghi che vedo da sempre sotto una luce completamente nuova e ho conosciuto la loro storia e i diversi aneddoti. Complimenti Elena, sei veramente brava!
Franco Magli
Viaggiando con un’agenzia viaggi convenzionata con è Turismo ho incontrato Elena. Bravissima! Grazie di tutto! ci rivediamo a breve a Bologna!
Stefano Mingoia
Ho visitato il Museo Archeologico Egizio di Bologna (uno fra i primi in Europa, bellissimi i reperti della tomba di Horemeb…andateci!!!) con delle mie amiche e con Elena come guida turistica di Bologna della giornata.La sua preparazione è stupefacente, l’eloquio è sobrio ed avvincente e ci ha inchiodati alle storie di mummie, steli, statue e reperti senza che si avvertisse nemmeno un momento di noia.
Un intero pomeriggio passato con una persona che ti trasmette la sua passione per la storia e l’arte, senza dimenticare di raccontare le vicende quotidiane degli egizi.
Le mie amiche erano entusiaste, felici di aver fatto una simile esperienza.
UN SUCCESSO! Continua così!!!